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Article/ tutorJr

Modi the monkey woke up very happy this morning. What interesting thing could possibly happen today? Let’s find out.

“I am going out to see the world on this beautiful day! “said Modi.

He ran down a hill as fast as he could. And suddenly, he found a river in front of him. “How great it is! ” he thought. “I can play in the water! ” He ran by the river and looked into it.

“How strange! ” he said, “I did not know that monkeys live in water. This one looks just like my brothers, but it cannot be one of them. They were all asleep when I came away. I will run home to tell mother about it,” and up the hill he went as fast as he could.

When he arrived at home, he panted out, “Oh, mother! I have found out something strange. There is a baby monkey living in the creek. “

“My dear son, you are either dreaming or you have seen your own reflection,” said his mother.

“I know what I saw, mother. I am not dreaming and it was not my reflection. It was a baby monkey just about my age. Come with me, mother. I will show you that I know what I am talking about. ” So the mother followed Modi.

When they came near the foot of the hill, the little Modi ran on ahead of his mother and looked into the stream.

“How lucky! ” he said, “he is still here. Now, mother,  you see that what I said is true.”

“It is your reflection, little one.”

“No, no, my eyes are better than yours, mother.”

Just then his mother came up and stood beside him.

“How queer! ” said the little Modi. “That is the monkey’s mother. I did not see her before. It would be too cold for me down in that water. Why do they live there?”
「真奇怪! 」小莫迪说。「那是小猴子的媽媽,我從来没見過她。如果是我,我會覺得住在水裡很冷,為什麼他們還要住在水裡呢?」

“You foolish child,” replied the mother. “It is our reflections that you see there. See, they are just like us.”

“I am not a baby. I know what monkeys are, mother. Those are real monkeys.”

“Watch, my son, and see what happens,” and his mother dropped a stone on the two reflections. They were gone.

The little monkey stood surprised. He lowered his head and went slowly home without saying another word.

You see, sometimes things aren’t always as they seem.

Alright, good night and sweet dreams.


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